Why Did the Bishops Close the Churches? (And Fr. James Altman Is Back on YouTube)

Fr. James Altman, one of the few priests (the second after Fr. Robert Altier) I heard call out the propagandemic and its pushers for what they were in early 2020, says about 1:40 into this interview on Rumble why he thinks the bishops caved to the Covid tyranny: Insurance.

Of course the whole story goes much deeper than that&mdashit doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something is wrong with their priorities if they replace holy water with “hand sanitizer”. But Fr. Altman’s take is the most concrete, immediate explanation I’ve heard so far, and it’s certainly plausible, considering how preoccupied many in the hierarchy seem to be with money in recent decades.

But even better, while Fr. Altman’s presence on YouTube since Bishop Callahan kicked him out of his thriving parish has been limited to such appearances hosted by others like the above interview, and allowed by the would-be gods at Google, he now also has his own YouTube channel, where presumably he will be offering meditations like he used to at his old parish channel, Veritas in Caritate, where I first discovered him. (Apparently all or at least most of his old videos have been scrubbed from the page…but that’s ok, because I downloaded them and archived them myself long ago, figuring it was only a matter of time till people like him would be “deleted” from Big Tech platforms.)

There are too many gems to put them all here, but for a small taste, some topics Fr. Altman has covered in the past are:

Fr. Altman is clearly one of the few priests who 1) never stopped thinking, and 2) is making everyone who hears him think again. The big question, of course, is how many will listen. I suggest subscribing and supporting Fr. Altman and anyone else you can find, especially priests, who will call the past three years for what they were while you still can. There is no telling how much longer we’ll be able to hear from them.

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