A Blog to Make Everyone Think Again
Non-fun with technology: Export a Colornote app database to CSV or text
A few days ago I ran into a problem. The list of "notes" in Colornote, a note-taking app that came with my Android phone, had grown too large to sort... -
Why Did the Bishops Close the Churches? (And Fr. James Altman Is Back on YouTube)
Fr. James Altman, one of the few priests (the second after Fr. Robert Altier) I heard call out the propagandemic and its pushers for what they were in early 2020,... -
New Zealand Classifies Shooting Victim as Covid-19 Death
Remember those "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" in August 2020? Well, now New Zealand is trying to make you believe gunshot wounds are a tragic, fatal symptom not of being,...
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