Four YouTubers Making People Think Again

If there’s one point 2020 brought home, it’s that rational thought may be in shorter supply than toilet paper was in February.

Yes, in 2020, if you listen to the self-appointed arbiters of truth dominating mainstream media, academia, the tech industry, and just about every other modern power center, men are women, babies aren’t people before they’re born, and violent riots are peaceful protests. And above all, it’s heresy—er, “science denial”—to question their hand-picked experts, even if numerous similarly credentialed experts contradict them, or they contradict themselves. (“You don’t need to wear a mask; they don’t really work.” “Masks stop disease; everyone must wear masks!” “Anti-lockdown protests spread covid!” “Anti-police protests don’t spread covid!”)

All I can say is in the absence of a universal authority that everyone can trust to 1) always be correct, and 2) always be honest—and we all know there is no such thing on earth—there is only one way to discern truth. And that is the good old-fashioned way: Use yer noggin’. Er…I mean, exercise your ability to reason.

With that in mind, here are a few people I believe are doing their best to brushing aside propaganda and follow logic and evidence to find the truth. Each of them has a different background and covers a different realm of modern culture, bringing a unique perspective to this age of disinformation.

One thing I strongly recommend: Like the legacy corporate media, newer media giants like YouTube have shown they can’t be trusted. Whenever possible, make sure you follow any independent thinkers you watch or listen to via their own websites, mailing lists, and alternative social media like BitChute. Otherwise, you may find them very difficult to find in the near future.

David V. Stewart

Creative Writing and Philosophy
Current Website:
Old Website:
BitChute Channel:
YouTube Channel:

I believe I originally found David Stewart, based in California, via his YouTube guitar lessons. But a few years back, he took his career on a different path, moving from music to writing. On his website’s blog and his YouTube channel (mirrored by his BitChute channel), David discusses primarily storytelling and philosophy, touching on a wide variety of topics in the process. He does an excellent job of organizing his thoughts in both his writing and his videos, and has a voice that makes his videos and audiobooks especially pleasant to listen to.

R.J. of The Fourth Age

Heroes, Comics, and Philosophy
YouTube Channel:

I haven’t follow RJ’s channel The Fourth Age as long as some others, but like David Stewart, RJ is very interested in philosophy and seems to have a strong background in classical philosophy. His main focus is the idea of the Hero, which he explores primarily through modern comics, which unfortunately like most entertainment, have been more and more corrupted in recent decades. That said, he also comments on current events from time to time. Considering how insightful his analysis is, RJ’s YouTube channel is criminally undersubscribed.

Bode Lang

News, Politics, Social Issues, and Logic
YouTube Channel:

Bode (pronounced Bo-dee) Lang’s YouTube channel is almost as undersubscribed as The Fourth Age, but his video presentations provide insight I haven’t seen anywhere else into how “facts” are fabricated and biased “fact checkers” and circular references are used to give the illusion of credibility to various mainstream sources of information. If you aren’t already aware of just how manipulative supposedly “scientific studies” and “objective news reporting” can be, you need to check out Bode’s channel.

Dave Cullen, Computing Forever

Culture, Entertainment, Social Issues
Former YouTube Channels:

Dave Cullen is a (former) YouTuber from Ireland whose channel originally focused mostly on reviews of tech products and popular entertainment. But as culture became increasingly subverted by the globalist political left, he moved more and more into social and political commentary, most recently focusing on how the purported “pandemic” is being used to foist ever-more totalitarian rules and regulations on a confused and apparently unsuspecting populace. It should be noted that Dave originally bought into the alarm and believed the claims of a 3% death rate, but he changed course as his research into the matter turned up more and more evidence countering the mainstream narrative. In any case, whether it’s a fauxdemic or another propaganda piece posing as a film, Dave brings a uniquely Irish perspective to the table.

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